In the Socratic Seminar session that we had, I encountered many new ideas and thoughts that I had never thought of. This experience helped me further more understand Brave New World and also understand the meaning of the book a little more.
When the question, what is the significance of choosing Henry Ford as God, was asked it never occurred to me that they chose Ford because he was a more stable person to "worship" or to "look up to." I merely just thought that over time the society became more scientifically advanced and started using the assembly line to make people in a more productive and quantitative way. Since the assembly line was Ford's idea, the people just accepted him as God because they were being created using his method.
Another interesting fact I learned from this question was that, the society might have chosen Ford because he was an ordinary fellow like the people in the society. The society focuses so much on equality, so their God should be someone that is equal to them. That reason to choose Ford as God never had occurred to me and I found that thought very interesting.
To prepare for this discussion, I had to reread and think deeply and gravely about the book. When I had to look at the book through John's perspective, that made me think on a higher level then I would have if I had just read the book once and blogged about the story. With having to think about these questions and then discuss and hear other person's views helped me understand the book more.
My favorite part of the Seminar was hearing the other groups discussions. I found their comments and questions fascinating. I liked that those questions led me to other questions of my own. The way the Seminar was set up was great.
The hardest part for me was thinking of comments or questions off the top of my head. Yes, I came prepared, but I couldn't predict what the other people were gonna say. I thought I did pretty good, but if I had to do the Seminar again then I would have thought harder about questions or comments that other people would have said and then written down my new questions and comments.
The Socratic Seminar was a great learning experience for me and I enjoyed it greatly.
It can by challenging to respond to others' ideas on the fly. Preparing plenty of questions, "big ideas," and connections does help. I'm glad you enjoyed the discussion!