Brave New World Bibliography

Gibbs, Nancy. "Human Cloning: Baby, It's You! And You, And You... - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis,

     Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - 19 Feb. 2001. Web. 11 Oct. 2010.,9171,999233,00.html.

This article talks about how some scientists are getting close to cloning. Some people think that it is not right to clone an embryo, but others think that it is a great breakthrough in science technology. This article's main point is that cloning is illegal and by experimenting with cloning, you kill tons of embryos and fetus in the process.

In Brave New World, they take one embryo and make hundreds of people using that one embryo. Basically, they are just cloning that embryo to make hundreds of other people that are exactly alike.

Lemonick, Michael D., David Bjerklie, Thompson/Washington Alice Park, and Dick Thompson.  

     "Designer Babies - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech

      Reviews - 11 Jan. 1999. Web. 27 Sept. 2010.,9171,989987,00.html.

A few years ago parents had the access to decide their baby's sex and nowadays they can even decide how tall they're likely to be, what body type they will have, what hair and eye color they will have, what sorts of illnesses they will be able to avoid, and even their IQ and personality type. Someday parents might be able to insert the genes into the kid that they really want them to have. Scientists and politicians are still deciding what they think about this whole situation and whether or not it is ethically correct.

This article was very much like the book Brave New World. In the book, they condition the children to think and act certain ways. When they are embryos, they are in the conditions that will make them Alphas, Betas, Deltas, Gammas, and Epsilons. Just like the book creates the kind of people they want for the future, we can now decide what kind of children we want to have.

"Medicine: Brave New Soma - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video,

     Tech Reviews - 8 June 1959. Web. 11 Oct. 2010.,9171,892617,00.html.

This article says that ancient Aryan invaders of India found that from the fermented juice of a vine they could get a drink that made them feel happy, courageous and of superhuman strength. They called it "soma" and they found this juice about 3,500 years ago. Dr. Frank Berger, research director of New Jersey's Wallace Laboratories, announced that his firm was beginning to market a new wonder drug. The new tablet is a powerful muscle relaxant. This drug was being compared to soma.

This article related to Brave New World because in Brave New World Huxley talked about a drug called "soma" that made you happy and got rid of all the bad human emotions we have today. In the book, soma was used when people got jealous or unhappy or just felt uncomfortable.

"Television: A Teen-Pregnancy Link - The Year in Medicine 2008 - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis,

     Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - 19 Nov. 2008. Web. 11 Oct. 2010.,28804,1860289_1859836_1859847,00.html.

This article talks about how teen pregnancy's can be influenced by watching TV shows that have a lot of sex in them. The article says that teens that don't watch so much "sex" TV will have a less chance of getting pregnant as a teen and the teens that do watch more "sex" TV will have a greater chance of getting pregnant as a teen.

In Brave New World, their society encourages having sex at young ages. Our society today is trying to keep kids from having sex. In our society, you have sex with someone you love, but in the books society you have it with anyone that wants to. Sex is encouraged. Huxley is trying to say that with the exposer people have with sex today, then Brave New World's society is what ours will be if we continue this down fall about censoring sex.

"Theology: Toward a Hidden God - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video,

      Tech Reviews - 8 Apr. 1966. Web. 10 Oct. 2010.,9171,835309,00.html.

Is God Dead? I so NO, but in this article people are questioning that man has killed called. Theological thinkers are telling churches and Christian groups that they should just move on with out God. Some people are saying that it is easier to think of no creator than to think of one that has created all the contradictions of the world.

The book has done away with God and replaced him with Henry Ford. The head honcho in the Brave New World said that it was just easier to get ride of God and all the emotions so that the society would never have those feelings and have to make hard decisions. The people in the book are like the guy in the article that said that believing there is not God is just easier. Saying there is no God means that there are no hard decisions to make and you are your only judge of what is wrong and right.